FCRP Member Charles Dunn, MD of Coral Gables writes:
"Today I attended a Congressional Hearing in Miami of the House Subcommittee on Railroads chaired by Corrine Brown. Rep Mica and Oberstar were also on committee.
Subject was High Speed Rail Intermodal Connections.
After panel gave their presentations (as you have seen on C Span). Chairman Brown opened meeting for questioning of the witness panel by members of the committee.
First she addressed Drew Galloway Asst VP of Amtrak and said she wanted to make a statement to him, not a question.
She then went on to say (paraphrased): 'I want the SUNSET restored New Orleans Jacksonville Orlando. This train is vital to transcontinental transportation and a important safety backup for evacuation in a disaster.'
She further said, 'I do not want the train run like Amtrak did before with long layover at @ 2AM in New Orleans, or with late trains. I am holding a subcommittee hearing in Jacksonville in a few weeks at which the SUNSET will be a major item of discussion, and look forward to Amtrak appearing. We must get the train back, one way or another.'
After her comments, Galloway was silent.
I could have stood up and cheered, but held myself back. NARP will notify us of date and place of Jax hearing. Stay tuned.
Charlie Dunn"