Promoting passenger trains as a transportation alternative in Florida since 1983.  We are citizens who advocate for Amtrak, commuter rail, intercity rail and transit for Florida's future.

The Silver Rail Blog

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  • 26 Apr 2009 4:15 PM | Jackson McQuigg (Administrator)

    The Florida Coalition of Rail Passengers is pleased to debut its new blog here at

    The blog is named after our newsletter, The Silver Rail, which we have published since 1983.

    The Silver Rail blog is another example of the Coalition's new effort to utilize technology to reach out to its members and the general public at large.

    We hope you enjoy this new feature of our site!


    Jackson McQuigg

    Secretary and Board Member, FCRP

  • 06 Apr 2009 1:22 PM | Stephen Sayles (Administrator)

    Here we are ready to roll out our 2nd Anuual Train day which looks to be an awesome event. As the stimulus package rolls out with high-speed rail quivering on most politicans lips it is important NOT to drop the ball. Do not be over confident that all our prayers have been answered. The tracks ahead shown clear with caution as we could be swept into a siding at any moment's notice.

    Please keep calling, emailing and faxing your representatives to maintain the fight.

    Stephen Sayles
    President FCRP

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               Florida Coalition of Rail Passengers, P.O. Box 30154, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420

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